Thursday, May 31, 2012

I love subway art!  Since I am a calligrapher, and collector of fonts, I decided to try my hand at it when some good friends asked my husband and I to make a list of things that have helped our marriage to last the last almost 40 years!   Hope you enjoy. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Creating with the Silhouette!

I love my silhouette cutting machine.  This little table is just one of the things I've finished using the Silhouette machine and vinyl. "Faith Hope and Charity" are always things to be remembered!   The font I used is Young Love ES

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Great Valentine Idea!!

Hi, all,
Here is a great blog with a very fun Valentine project or two!

I love Valentines Day! My mother always remembered my kids when they were young on Valentines Day. She would bring cookies and presents, drop them on the doorstep and run. Of course, she would come back a few minutes later to visit! It was so fun! Remember the days when we took Valentines around to neighbors and friends this way! I do!!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving, Country and Things

I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here! I love Thanksgiving. We used to go to my mother's house. She always had such a beautiful Thanksgiving day table with beautiful china, crystal, and several courses. We started with a shrimp cocktail and raspberry jello with whipped cream on top. Then, we had the main course which included turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, candied yams (my favorite), dressing, and a vegetable which was sometimes brussel spouts because my mom likes them. This year, we will have dinner here with our children and grandchildren coming. We like to do things a bit simpler, but still enjoy making a pretty table.

Now on to country! I am a big Glenn Beck fan. I believe he has single-handedly woken a big portion of the country up in regards to those who would push our country towards a global government. This week on Glenn's show, I learned that Michelle Obama's secretary was hand-picked by George Soros (the billionaire who thinks he controls economies throughout the world, and who wants global government). George Soros has himself visited the White House 4 times since Obama was inaugurated. Other times, he has sent his representatives. I believe it behooves us all to become educated and then warn our neighbors and family. I want us to take our country back with a pure interpretation of the constitution and limited government.

Now things. I am 57. This time of life is more complicated than I could have imagined. I want to help my children and grandchildren. My mother is struggling and needs my help often. I am serving as Primary President in my ward. There is more than plenty to do. I'm tired.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have decided to start a blog to record my interests. Other than my main interests, my family and my religion, I am very concerned about the assault on our freedoms by President Obama and the democratic congress at the present time. I will be sharing my feelings about this. Also, I love computer generated clipart and fonts. I am a calligrapher who loves to be able to type beautiful lettering!